Breakfast at 8:30
2 hardboiled eggs (whites only)
1 shot of espresso
2 fish oil capsules and 1 multivitamin
At the box Kerry was offering turkey jurkey...how could I pass up?
I spent probably two casual hours working on my Snatch form (it's getting better but needs improvement) and muscle-up basics. It was a great quiet Sunday at the box. I seriously cannot express how much I love being there with everybody. Johnny and Rudy were helping me on my form and Johnny recorded it on Rudy's camera in slow mo. It really helps to watch your lifts in slow mo...you are able to visualize the breakdown the movement and correct the areas specifically that need improvement.
I really didn't want to leave...but I had to, so afterward I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and got a couple of things along with a 3.2oz bag of beef jerky. Which I ate immediately.
Dinner at about 6:00
Bacon wrapped pork tenderloin
lemon peppper asparagus
2 fish oil capsules and 1 multivitamin
I did have a glass of milk with dinner....mmm milk!
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