Breakfast at 6:15
2 hard boiled egg whites
3 cups of steamed spinach
2 fish oil capsules and 1 multivitamin
1 cup of coffee at work, so far....I am eying that bag of nuts/cranberries from Trader Joe's though.
Lunch again was in the car, and once again it was the rest of the Trek mix from Trader Joe's. I also had two hard boiled egg whites back at the office.
Today was a rest day...
Utilizing my rest day time well, I went to Whole Foods and picked up a Yellowfin Tuna steak, a couple packages of mixed kale and assorted mixed greens (collard, mustard, turnip...), 2 huge bison sirloin steaks, and I was playing with the idea of different types of milks. So I got one coconut milk and one almond milk.
Dinner was early today at about 6:30
3/4lb Yellowfin Tuna steak seasoned with lemon pepper seasoning and a touch of soy sauce
Then I sauteed a heaping 10" saucepan full of the mixed greens in a sprinkle of evoo and a cup of white wine and then topped with sliced radishes.
Holy crap that was one of the better tuna steaks I have ever better be at $20 a pound!
I had a glass of coconut milk with dinner...both of the coconut milk and almond milk were actually really tasty and very different in their own right.
I also had 2 fish oil capsules and a multivitamin.
At about 9:30 I finished the little that was left of my sunbutter....damn I need more!
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