Breakfast at 6:00
2 hard boiled egg whites
4 cups sauteed mix greens
2 fish oil capsules, 1 multivitamin and 1 probiotic complex
No lunch today....barely any water either. I was at a jobsite all day addressing issues and I did not have time to think about food/drink.
I got in the car at about 4:00 and wolfed down a cup of raw almonds and dried cranberries (I switched from raisins)
After the WOD I had 4-5 slices of sweet potatoes with cinnamon.
Dinner at about 8:45 (Late dinner, I know)
1/2 grilled bison steak
a boatload of plain broccoli and carrots
1/2 grilled onion
1 cup of sauteed mushrooms
1 container of coconut water
2 fish oil capsules, 1 multivitamin and 1 probiotic complex.
Deadlifts: 235#(3)-275#(3)-305#(9)
Metcon: 10:46
5 rounds of 7 hanging squat cleans @ 135# and 7 burpees
I was using metal plates so my broken rounds of cleans were very slow due to me being cautious with the weights and the fact that I didn't have much energy due to lack of food today.
Burpees all unbroken and speedy.
3 sets of 10 kipping toes to bar
heloooooo out there?